
Are you there?

Yes, we are here....I know it has been quite sometime since my last post....But, some days I wonder who and if anyone really reads this anyway....Ha. I started this blog to keep friends and family posted on our family happenings and life updates....But, it seems like everyone is always on FB.  Anyhoo, for the update....

Jay is doing good...Work is great and he is prepping for his big (no wife and kids) trip to EP.  I am so happy that he decided to go and play in this poker tourney.  For two reasons....The first being, I have taken 2 trips over the past year with no hubby or kids and second he misses his EP friends and playing poker with the old poker group.  Work is work for him...I just wish that he had the same relationships he did in EP to make his job more fun than the grind of ground hog day...Please don't mistake that he doesn't like it or something. In fact he does like it and is great at what he does.  How else would a person survive as long as he has in the pharm industry.  I certainly couldn't do it!!

Austin is great.. He got his braces off a month or so ago and looks fantastic :) I cannot believe what an awesome young man he has turned into.  I have to admit I am very sad that he is starting middle school this year.  Where does the time go?  I remember, just like it was yesterday, rocking while feeding him a bottle during the middle of the night.  I was in awe of this little amazing creature that I was able to carry and help create.  Now he is taller than me and off to middle school. He is in the "who needs mom and dad" phase of life. His football season starts up again this week.  Man, the cost of children's sports is outrageous!! But, totally worth it! He loves it, it gets him out of the house and off of the computer, ipad and wii., and it teaches him team work and work ethic. 

Kole is doing so well also...He is getting so big too. Still as skinny as a bean pole (poor babe), but has had a good summer.  2 of his best friends had to go to summer school this summer, so he didn't play with them as much as I had anticipated. I cannot believe that his birthday is coming up so in a week or so.  He really wants his own laptop and has been talking about one nonstop...He even agreed to give up a birthday party and put that money that we would spend towards one.  We are still trying really hard to decide if he is really responsible enough to have one.  Ugh, such hard decisions...I think he will end up getting it..But, don't tell him :) 

Cooper is so funny...Now that the older boys have been home all summer, he has started to become much louder and rowdy.  He loves to chase them around the house, wrestle with them, play swords, and thinks it is wonderful to scream in this super high pitched sound.  It makes Jay nuts. LOL. I think it is funny :)  He really communicates well now and lets us know what he wants, when he wants it...

Baby Jack is growing right on pace.  It doesn't look like he will be as big as Cooper was.  My doctor says that is because of difference in altitude from Texas.  I guess I never thought of that...Hmm. The doctor doesn't think that I will go past the 12th of November, but if I do, he has agreed to induce my labor on the 21st of November because he will be out of town the following week for Thanksgiving.  So, just 3 more months to go :)  WHOO HOO!!!

As for me, I am just plugging along...Working and trying to get the kids all ready for school to start in a few weeks.  I had a crazy nesting episode last week and pretty much have everything done in the nursery...Clothes washed, organized, put in their respective places, paint is done, decorations are put up, bedding is purchased (thank you Ikea), the last item we need is the crib...That will arrive Tuesday~~ Then the room is complete and all we have to do is wait :)

I hope all is well with ya'll...Love to the friends and family!!!!