
Another day in the life of.....

We had another adventurous week in the life of the Wolfe family.  I am now starting to get the hang of the blog and cool extras.  It is definitely addicting and although I have not posted, I have been playing around quite a bit with picture sites, etc.  Austin introduced my to the picnik website and it is a ton of fun.  Below are a few of my creations :)

Austin's game yesterday was alright...We lost, but I think it was due in part to some bad calls.  But, the boys did play pretty hard and Chompie played offence, defence, and special teams.  He was pretty wiped out after the game.  But, you can see that he LOVES football.  I guess I had better get more educated on the rules of his league and learn what in the world is going on.  It's so hard to pay attention to the game as a whole when I am so busy watching exactly what is going on with Austin...Jay says it will come with time.  So, hopefully by the time he hits high school I will be a pro :).

I reactivated my FB account today also.  It was so hard to find out and keep up with the happenings of my FB friends.  I missed many of them as it is our primary means of communication!  But, I am so addicted to the blog now that I will keep it going and use it as my primary source of keeping ya'll updated.  Other than that, we have been getting everything ready for our trips this week.  Jay has to go to a conference in San Fransisco this week and I leave for NYC on Thursday....Crazy that we will be on opposite ends of the country for a few days.. I will miss my family while gone, but my mom, gram and I will sure have a great time....

Koley had a great weekend and played super hard with my cousins kiddos.  His regular school teacher returned from maternity leave this week and so we had to say goodbye to his substitute teacher Mrs. Wilson.  She was such a great teacher and really helped us with getting Kole on his meds and patient with the adjustment process.  I will miss her so very much.  She said she'd be there at the school regularly.. So, I hope that we will get to see her often.  I can't say enough how amazing this school is and I am so happy that we chose public vs. charter school.  

Coop is also doing great this week!!! He is finally starting to sleep more during the night.  Last night was the first night since we've been in Colorado that we were able to put him down while he was still awake for bed.  He cried for only 5 minutes and slept right on through the night until about 5:30am.  He had a bottle and went back to sleep until about 6.  Whoo hoo!!! Mommy and Daddy got a good nights sleep!!! Today I was able to lay him down for both naps and he didn't cry at all.  I think we might have a trend going....Thank the Heavens above!!!

That's it for now!! Next week will be super busy with new jobs, parent teacher conferences, finding daycare out here,  and getting back into routine after vacation.  But, I will be sure to post as soon as we can!

Love ya'll,



1st real attempt at blogging.....

As I mentioned in my previous post, I have decided to blog to keep friends and family up to date with pictures and the happenings of our family... So, I guess today is a great day to start :)

I must admit that the blogging website is quite intimidating and confusing..  Maybe I am showing my age...Haha. So, I apologize for not having all of the super cool little games and gadgets, etc.  I'll get there soon enough.  Alrighty, so now on to the update and best of all....Pics of the kiddos!!!

The days go by so fast now a days that I can't seem to find any kind of separation between days, weeks, and months... Maybe that is in part do to my current work schedule.  I have been and have loved working nights for the past few years....But, am now making the switch to days and at a hospital much, much closer to home.  I am excited for the opportunity to work in my specialty and what I feel is my "nitch" so close to home.  Also, I am getting super excited for my girls trip to NYC with Mom and Gram... Less than 2 weeks away now!! Whoo hoo!!

Jay is good! He is so hard working and we are so blessed that he works so hard to provide an amazing life for us.  I think moving to CO has been an adjustment for him.  But, he is such a trooper!!  2 days per week he gets all three kids up, showered, dressed, fed, lunches packed, homework done, water bottles filled, diaper bag stocked, all of the kids loaded up in the SUV and becomes the taxi..1st Austin to school by 7:45am, then 2nd stop Coop to the babysitter, then Kole to school by 9:00. All while getting himself ready for work and getting to his first office as soon as possible.  I think he deserves some serious man time :)

Austin is full on into football season....He is number 77 and plays for the Irish.  This is his first year playing competitive ball and he has really learned what hard work is :)  They have games every Saturday and it brings tears to my eyes seeing what a handsome young man he has become.  He has improved so much since joining this team and is learning so many valuable lessons about being a team!!! The Irish are 1-2 so far this season with their first win last weekend.  GO IRISH!!!

Kole is chugging right along!  He is doing so great in school and comes home daily with a good report.  We've had to get used to some of the medication side effects and how to deal with little hiccups that we haven't really expected with specific regard to the medication.  Otherwise, he seems to be focusing really well in class and is completing his work on time with all of the other kiddos...YEAH KOLEY!!!!  A few more weeks until basketball sign up, and he will be off and shooting jumpers.  His big announcement this week is that he has finally lost his first tooth on Sunday! 

chocolate chip cookie face
 Cooper Duper is growing like a little weed. He is officially walking as you can see in the video below :)  He is babbling like crazy...His favorite words are dadda and dog...Hmmm, I guess it's pretty apparant where I rate on the Cooper level of importance scale....LOL.. Today his first tooth finally broke through the gum.. He looks like a hillbilly right now because he has 1 top, front tooth and that is it...Haha.. I will take a pic and post it next time. He is now starting to get into everything and his favorite thing is to walk up to the t.v. and look at daddy when he says not to touch it...He gives a mischiveous smile with a little laugh and turns the t.v. off.  Hahah...It's pretty funny to watch :) 


Our Family

I have decided that it is much easier to start a blog to allow family members and friends to keep up with our happenings and photos...Facebook has been wonderful, but I know that many people prefer not to use it...So, enjoy :)