
What a week!!!

Our finished Halloween works of art!!
 As the week is winding down on this wonderful Friday afternoon, I sit at work playing nurse to my sick hubby :( (and not getting paid...haha).   Jay came into our hospital's ER yesterday afternoon with some abdominal pain and within 45 minutes was in emergency surgery for an acute apendicitis.  Thank goodness my boss and fellow co-workers are super nice and understanding.  He is feeling much better and we are hoping that he will be able to go home today sometime.  

Austin had a good week.  He had his orthodontist appointment on Tuesday and got spacers placed.  Tuesday he goes back and has his 1st expander placed on the roof of his mouth.  After a week or so of that then he will get his second expander and thus the fun begins.....It is the old fashioned crank style we have to turn a quarter turn every night before bed.  If all goes well with that then he will get top braces a few weeks later.....Amazing how fast the kids grow up.. Sort of sad :(  His team lost their game this past Saturday by a very small amount.  Austin continues to get better with each game.  He was matched up against an offensive lineman that was 5'9" and 169 lbs.  He really did well and held him off almost every play.  Poor kids arms were completely bruised from shoulder to wrist.  He loves the "war wounds".  

Koley and his pumpkin

Kole is doing well this week.  He lost his second tooth and now has 4 loose teeth.  2 on bottom and 2 on top.  It took quite some time for him to lose any teeth, but he sure is catching up to the other kids with no problem.  He had a very good week at school and brought home great progress notes each day.  He has decided that he wants to start karate instead of basketball. So, we'll start looking for the perfect karate school (if that's what you call it) this week.  We are also working on ideas for his xmas gift.  I think we'll redecorate his bedroom for xmas.  That is what he said he would like.  He seems to be growing out of the transformers phase anyway.  Such a grown up, he asked for "world traveling" theme with pictures of bridges from all over.  I hope we can come up with some good stuff :)

Coop with his 1st pumpkin

Coop is babbling up a storm.  Mostly when his big brothers get home from school.  He gets so excited to see them he runs (as well as running goes at 10 months) to them screaming and laughing.  It is so cute.  He has now started wrestling with them as well.  He thinks it is so funny to jump right into the middle of the mix.  100% boy for sure.  He is no longer crawling and is finally starting to sleep through the night again.  Phew!! Such a happy kiddo and always full of smiles, he brings so much joy to our family!! God most certainly has blessed us with such a great bunch of boys.

My pumpkin and I

I am doing pretty well too...We carved pumpkins on Sunday and had fun doing so.  I started my new job and everyone is super duper nice.  My preceptor is actually an old friend that I played softball with close to 15 years ago.  It was so awesome to see her!!! It also made my transition a bit better.  I hope you enjoy the pictures from our pumpkin carving :)

Love ya'll


New York City Photo Book

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Back to life, back to reality....

We are back from vacation....New York was so much fun and it was so wonderful to be able to spend some real quality time with my mom and gram.  We saw so many wonderful sights and shopping was amazing!!! I highly recommend to anyone traveling to the city to take a bus tour!!! There is no way we would have seen all of the sights and areas of interest without having done so.  Here are some pics of the trip posted below.....I'll post more as I get them edited :)

Jay was in San Francisco the past several days also...So, the boys got to hang out with cousin Jeremy and his family.  They loved it over their and it was very obvious that Coop was super spoiled and not put down too often :) 

Austin is doing great, as usual.  They lost their game on Saturday.  I am told that they did play much better than last week.  Hopefully they will pull off a win this weekend.  I think the coaches are none to pleased with the current record :(  But, the important thing is Austin is having fun and enjoying playing!!

Kole is great this week too..He has another loose tooth.  That tooth fairy is going to be broke soon...Haha!!  He and his friends on our street play almost every day after school and homework.  It is super cute to have all of the boys playing together.  Thank goodness for the basement---I can just send them down their and don't have to worry about cleaning up a mess or anything of that nature.. Poor Coop tries to follow them around and really gets excited when they all come over.  He just isn't fast enough to keep up. 

Coop is getting a few more teeth in now. My goodness that boy is getting all of them at once.  He is full on walking now.  Almost never crawling and is getting pretty fast too.  It is just amazing to me at how quickly he seems to pick up on each stage of development.

We hope ya'll have a wonderful week!!!